See NASA's official press release here.
AMA has been awarded the $43 million five-year Entry Systems Technology Research and Development contract by NASA Ames Research Center (ARC). ESTRAD supports research and technology development in order to meet evolving NASA mission objectives. Read the ESTRAD Source Selection Statement here.
ESTRAD Program Manager
Mr. Dave Cornelius
The primary objective of the ESTRAD contract is to support the Entry Systems and Technology Division at NASA Ames Research Center. Work requirements include the development of technologies for use in the design and fabrication of prototype vehicles that travel at hypervelocities in the atmosphere of Earth and other bodies in the solar system, including access to Earth orbit and reentry, sustained high-altitude hypersonic flight, planetary entry, and high altitude aerocapture.
Divisions / Branches supported include:
Entry Systems and Technology Division office (TS)
Aerothermodynamics Branch (TSA)
Thermal Protection Materials Branch (TSM)
Entry Systems and Vehicle Development Branch (TSS)
Scope areas include:
Systems engineering
Research and analysis
Design and development
Computer modeling
Technical writing
Facility management and operations
Support for third party quality system
Administrative support
Computer system administration
Organize and facilitate technical meetings and invitational travel for outside researchers
Fabrication and fabrication support, necessary to complete projects
Project Management
Technical areas include:
Chemistry and physics of hypersonic, chemically reacting, and radiating flows
Aerothermodynamic analysis of reentering spacecraft
Development and modification of computational fluid dynamics tools and their development
Aeronautics and space vehicle trajectory analysis
Materials science of ablative, reusable and multi-functional thermal protection materials
Experiment planning, execution, and analysis for high-enthalpy testing of materials and real-gas phenomena
Facilities and labs include:
Electric Arc-driven Shock Tube (EAST)
Ballistic range complex
Arc jet complex
Ceramics lab
Materials development lab
Materials characterization lab
Ultra high temperature ceramics lab