AMA's Ethics Contact Information
“We commit ourselves to upholding the highest standards of ethical behavior in the conduct of our business. AMA’s reputation for integrity, excellence, and dedication to customer service rests on a foundation of honest, fair, impartial, and ethical discharge of duties by each one of us. We shall lead by example and foster a culture of ethics and compliance with our employees. We shall preserve an environment that encourages our employees to freely raise any integrity questions or concerns, without fear of retaliation.”
Use the form below to report any violations to the AMA Code of Business Ethics and Conduct committee. Employees are strongly encouraged to report or voice their concerns about perceptions or signs of illegal or unethical behavior to their supervisor, the AMA Ethics Compliance Officer, a member of the AMA Ethics Committee, or a member of the AMA Board or Directors.
First Name, Last Name, E-mail and Phone are not required, you have the option to remain anonymous. You only need to submit your Ethics Concern.
Ethics Concern:
Please state your Ethics Concern here. If you choose to remain anonymous please provide as much detail as possible, we will not have the ability to contact you.
You can also report ethics concerns to the AMA Confidential Ethics Hotline at:
Phone: 757-865-0000 x511
Email: ethics@ama-inc.com
Whistleblower Protection Laws
All employees have rights and protections available to them under Whistleblower Protection Laws. AMA is committed to operating with integrity and in full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies, and it does not tolerate retaliation against individuals who report compliance concerns in good faith. There are several resources available to individuals who have such a concern regarding Whistle Blower Rights. This information can be found in the linked information poster. Please contact your manager or a member of the Ethics Compliance Panel if you have any questions.