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STRLNCH: Aircraft Store Separation and Carriage Loads Analysis

STRLNCH is a comprehensive 6-DOF store separation simulation software package, supported by MISL3 or MISDL software

STRLNCH is a comprehensive 6-DOF store separation simulation software package applicable to high angle-of-attack launch from maneuvering aircraft at subsonic and supersonic speeds. Released store/missile aerodynamics are modeled by either the MISL3 or MISDL software.

Reduces need for costly wind tunnel tests. Indispensable in preliminary safe store launch assessment and parent aircraft/store integration studies. Applicable to Monte Carlo simulations and statistical analysis of factors affecting safe separation. STRLNCH runs fast on PCs (Windows & Linux).

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Range of Flow Parameters

Important Parent Aircraft Modeling Features

Important Store and Release Modeling Features

Quantities Computed

Output Files

Aircraft Models (partial list)

For software licensing information contact:

  1. Reisenthel, P. H., Lesieutre, D. J. and Quijano, O. E. "Statistical Analysis of Jettison Ejection Scenarios," AIAA-2015-1526, Jan. 2015.

  2. Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Gjestvang, J. A., "Store Separation Simulation of the Penguin Missile from Helicopters," Paper Number 9, Presented at NATO-RTO Symposium on Innovative Missile Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2006, RTO-MP-AVT-135.

  3. Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Gjestvang, J., "Store Separation Simulation of Penguin Missile from Helicopters," AIAA 2002-0278, Jan. 2002.

  4. Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Gjestvang, J., "Application of MISDL/KDA Aerodynamics Prediction Method to Penguin Missile," AIAA 2002-0277, Jan. 2002.

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