Current Vendors
Click on the links below to access each tool.
If additional assistance is needed, email the AMA IT help desk at or call 833-503-1078.
AMA Reporting Tool (ART) ESTRAD
AMA Reporting Tool (ART)RSES
AMA Reporting Tool (ART)ETSS
AMA Reporting And Management Information
System (ARAMIS)
Interested in working with AMA?
The relationships we forge with our suppliers are key to upholding our integrity, agility, competitiveness, and ability to meet our customers' needs. These relationships not only support operational efficiency but also contribute to long-term success and sustainability for both parties.
Supply Chain Management
AMA is committed to providing customer satisfaction as a fundamental objective. We are looking for suppliers and partners that enable us to work within time, quality, cost, and technical performance constraints, with a continuous focus on customer requirements.
Supplier Diversity
AMA is committed to a diverse supplier base that reflects the demographics and values of our company, customers, and the communities in which we operate. We encourage small, minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned (including service disabled veterans), and HUBZone businesses to work with AMA for subcontracting and procurement opportunities. We also encourage historically black colleges, universities, and minority institutions to register with AMA for opportunities to provide technical, engineering, and research services. If you are interested in working with AMA, please contact us at
Business Ethics
AMA expects all of its employees and suppliers to comply with Standards of Business Ethics and Conduct and ethical expectations, regardless of local business practices or social customs. Please refer to our guidelines related to business gifts and gratuities. We are committed to the ethical treatment of those to whom we have an obligation. AMA expects our suppliers, vendors, subcontractors and teaming partners to develop ethics and compliance programs that are consistent with our values in all material respects. If you are aware of any unethical activity, require clarification of our policies, have an ethics concern, or know of a violation of either AMA policy or of federal, state, or local laws, please click on the AMA Ethics Hotline link at the bottom of any AMA web page. You will have the option of remaining anonymous.